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Speaking of Safety Conversations about workplace health and safety

  • Mouse problems? How employers can protect workers from deadly rodent-virus
    by Kimi Nomura Schwab on July 10, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    Hantavirus is a virus carried by rodents that can cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in humans.  Spring and summer are the time of year when building supply stores and nurseries bring out all the fresh flowers, plants, and grass seeds. And while those with green thumbs can’t wait to dig in and get gardening, there’s The post Mouse problems? How employers can protect workers from deadly rodent-virus appeared first on Speaking of Safety.

  • Partnering with industry to improve workplace health and safety
    by Jamie Ignacio on May 8, 2024 at 10:22 pm

    WorkSafeBC inspections are an important part of ensuring health and safety in B.C. workplaces. Our prevention officers focus on risk management basics to ensure the most significant risks are effectively addressed. A risk management approach involves workers and employers identifying hazards, evaluating risks, and implementing controls that are specific to the on-site activities. Prevention officers The post Partnering with industry to improve workplace health and safety appeared first on Speaking of Safety.

  • Returning to work after an injury: The road to recovery
    by Kimi Nomura Schwab on May 1, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Returning to work safely while recovering from an injury requires collaboration between the worker and the employer.  By Marnie Douglas If you are injured at work, should you stop working until you recover? Not necessarily. Depending on the injury, a worker can benefit from remaining at work and taking on modified or alternative duties as The post Returning to work after an injury: The road to recovery appeared first on Speaking of Safety.

  • Speaking up for change
    by Kimi Nomura Schwab on April 16, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    A brave mother shares her experience and advocates for workplace safety changes in the maritime industry so that no one ever has to suffer a loss like she has.  “It was 100 percent predictable and 100 percent preventable.” That’s how Genevieve Cragg describes the incident that took the life of her 25-year-old son Charley in The post Speaking up for change appeared first on Speaking of Safety.

  • Workplace health and safety: Helpful tips for employers
    by Kimi Nomura Schwab on March 8, 2024 at 7:18 pm

    Whether your business is large or small, employers are responsible for ensuring a healthy and safe workplace.  I recently spoke with Tami Der, manufacturing consultant in Prevention Programs and Services at WorkSafeBC, who gave me an overview of how employers can find resources to help them meet their health and safety obligations. Q: How can The post Workplace health and safety: Helpful tips for employers appeared first on Speaking of Safety.

  • ESG Programs Manuals Integration in the Workplace
    by Samantha Morrison on July 2, 2024 at 1:17 am

    Clients want to see more than just safety protocols in safety manuals. More and more clients want to see Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs incorporated into their documentation. These programs help address broader ethical concerns such as modern slavery, fair labour practices, environmental policies, and anti-fraud/corruption policies. To read more about ESG Metrics, check The post ESG Programs Manuals Integration in the Workplace first appeared on Workforce Compliance Safety.

  • Preventative Safety Measures Implementation
    by Samantha Morrison on June 9, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    Clear and organized workspaces reduce the risk of accidents. Read on and learn about preventative safety measures implementation. The post Preventative Safety Measures Implementation first appeared on Workforce Compliance Safety.

  • Five Fall Safety Tips for the Workplace
    by Samantha Morrison on October 6, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    As Fall approaches, it’s crucial for employers and employees to remain vigilant about workplace safety. The post Five Fall Safety Tips for the Workplace first appeared on Workforce Compliance Safety.

  • Navigating ESG Metrics: A Shift for Contractors and Clients
    by Samantha Morrison on August 27, 2023 at 12:33 am

    In an era where environmental consciousness, social responsibility, and corporate governance take center stage, a new acronym has come forward as a guiding light for businesses across industries – ESG. Environmental, Social, and Governance factors are no longer mere buzzwords; they have evolved into a crucial aspect of decision-making for clients seeking partners aligned with The post Navigating ESG Metrics: A Shift for Contractors and Clients first appeared on Workforce Compliance Safety.

  • Battling the Alberta Wildfire Season: Ensuring Air Quality and Safety
    by Samantha Morrison on June 25, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    As the flames engulf vast stretches of Alberta’s forests, the province faces yet another challenging fire season. With wildfires starting earlier than usual, the impact on air quality and affected communities becomes a pressing concern. We express our gratitude to the brave firefighters who tirelessly battle the blazes and discuss the history of significant fire The post Battling the Alberta Wildfire Season: Ensuring Air Quality and Safety first appeared on Workforce Compliance Safety.

CCOHS Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards CCOHS Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards